Silkwind Toy Poodles

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...Silkwind Poodle Contracts...

Silkwind Poodles
Agreement for Pet Quality
Non-Breeding Agreement
This is a contractual agreement for the ownership of ______________________________
Litter#_______________   Sex_______________  Whelped_________________________
Sire:_____________________________________  AKC#__________________________
Dam:_____________________________________ AKC#__________________________
This agreement is made between Donna Gantz Kanton and Linda Robinson (Sellers) and    
Name _____________________________________________________________________
Address___________________________________________________________ (Buyer)
1.  Ownership shall be transferred upon the receipt of balance of ______ in cash.
     Buyer understands if a deposit is made, this deposit is non-refundable, but is
     credited to the purchase price.   
     Buyer understands this deposit will hold puppy for two weeks.  
2.  It is agreed that this animal is being purchased as an in home companion/pet. 
     It shall  not be used for breeding purposes by the Buyer or any other person. 
     Buyer hereby undertakes to act in this respect and to pay Seller sum of no less than 1000.00
     as liquated damages each time the animal is used for breeding.

3.  Buyer understands and agrees animal is being transferred with limited registration.

4.  Buyer agrees to have animal micro-chipped within 48 hours and send identification # to Seller
5.  Buyer agrees that the animal will be kept and maintained in the home of the Buyer with
     proper feeding, shelter and veterinarian care.  Dog shall have an adequate enclosed exercise
     area or be on a leash.  At no time shall dog be allowed to roam at will.
6.  This dog's health is guaranteed for 48 hours in the case of communicable diseases.
     The Seller further guarantees this dog to be free of inherited disease at time of sale.
     Seller agrees if such a inherited disease should occur,  and be diagnosed in writing by a
     veterinary specialist, with agreed diagnosis from Seller's veterinarian,  Seller agrees
     to replace the dog with one of  similar quality, upon the return of the originally purchased dog.
7.  Buyer agrees that should it become necessary for animal to be returned to Seller, for any reason, Buyer
     accepts full financial responsibility for return, further Buyer agrees that animal is to be shipped/sent only
     by priority or equivalent shipment.
8.  Buyer agrees to have animal spayed/neutered by the age of one year, or after first season,
    at which time, most  toy dogs should reach maturity, and send proof of such to Seller.
9.  Buyer agrees that if at any time it becomes necessary to dispose of this animal
     by selling trading or any other means, Seller is to be notified at once by registered mail.
10. Buyer agrees that at no time shall this dog be disposed of to a pet shop, dog dealer, or agent
      of either. The names of any prospective new owners must be submitted to Seller for approval.
      It is agreed that Seller must approve of placement, or the dog is to be returned to the Seller
      for placement or resale.
      Any new owner is required to follow the terms of this contract.
11. Buyer agrees to raise this dog as naturally as possible including the use of a veterinarian
      trained in both conventional medicine as well as natural and holistic.
12. The above contract is made and signed by both parties to ensure the well being and
       protection of the animal.  No part of this contract is transferable.
Buyer___________________________                                Seller___________________________
Dated this ___of___________________                               Dated this ____of__________________

When Puppy Comes Home

*Buyers agree the puppy is to be examined by a veterinarian as written in contract.
*Buyers agree there is to be no vaccinations given at this time.
   Your puppy needs time to adjust to his/her new environment. This is a stressful
   time for a puppy, vaccinating will cause added stress to the immune system, which
   could result in unfavorable health responses.
*Your puppy has been vaccinated against parvo virus with Neopar on ___________
    pups  next parvo booster is due no sooner than 4 weeks from this date
*Your puppy should receive a Rabies vaccine at 6 months of age, Or age required by
    law, (yet no sooner than 6 weeks from any previous vaccine), when he/she has had
    time to develop a stronger immune system
*Buyers agree to use only core vaccine programs. (You will need to check for the
   prevalent diseases in your area) The latest protocol is distemper once every 3 years
   alternating with  Rabies every three years, or titer testing and vaccinated as
   needed, so that only one vaccine is given in any 1 year period.
*Buyers agree to never use combination vaccines.
*Buyers agree to never give Leptospirosis or Lyme vaccine.
*Buyers agrees to have a general health exam for dog on a yearly basis, preferably
   once every six months. This should include, but not be limited to, a heartworm test
   and fecal.
*Buyers agrees not to use pesticides, topical or oral for the prevention of fleas and
   ticks, the exception being flea shampoo.
*Buyers agree to feed pup/dog only naturally preserved foods. Puppy should be give
   bottled water until he/she has had time to adjust to your water.
*Buyers agree to, and understands that, if buyers and his/her Veterinarian choose to
   follow alternate vaccine/ health programs other than described above,
    ALL health warranties written expressed or implied are no longer valid.


_________________                                     ____________
Legal Signature Buyer                                      Date

Silkwind Poodles
Donna Gantz
 352 789 9296
Linda Robinson
Ocala, Florida
352-867-5656 (home)
352-598-5782 (cell)